A Career in Academic Research

Opportunities to develop careers that combine research and research training with continued professional practice and development.

To support researchers from all backgrounds and any level of experience, if you have a research idea/question but don't know how to start, or looking to start a project but need some guidance, we hope you will find everything you need to take the next step.

A guide to starting out in clinical academic research

With a small grant from UK Research and Innovation, a team at the School of Health Sciences at the University of Southampton worked with colleagues in Wessex ARC and University Hospital Southampton, to produce a series of short films to help clinicians engage in research and start on their clinical academic pathway. 

We often hear from clinical colleagues that it can be difficult navigating funding bodies, endless acronyms, and complex systems.  Knowing where to start was the inspiration behind these videos.

They feature researchers, clinical academics and patient representatives in short animations and ‘talking heads’, lasting 70 minutes.  They openly share their stories and experience of how to form a team, find a mentor, plan their research with service-users and patient partners, think about intellectual property and enterprise, and write a grant application to secure the funding they need.

Find out more about funding and training opportunities below:

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Integrated Academic

For Doctors and Dentists.

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HEE-NIHR Integrated Clinical and Practitioner Academic Programme

For Nurses Midwives & Allied Health Professionals.

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NIHR Fellowship

For all Health and Care registered  professionals.

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NIHR Research Professorships

For all professions and all Higher Education Institutions (HEI), NHS organisations, or other providers of health, public health and/or care services based in England, to nominate health, public health and social care researchers and methodologists with an outstanding research record of clinical and applied health and care research and its effective translation for improved health and care.

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NIHR Local Authority Academic Fellowship Programme and Associated Opportunities

For individuals of any professional background (excluding doctors and dentists), especially for those without professional social worker or clinician status based in Local Authority Settings, to develop as health and/or social care researchers whilst retaining their existing employment and salary. 

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East Midlands Health & Care Research Scholarship Programme

For all Health and Care professionals.

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Research Support Service & Resources

To support and provide guidance for Researchers with developing research proposals /ideas/projects/grant applications writing   and submission/ identify appropriate funding stream for research proposals.

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Protocol Design

For NHS/academic research staff who have limited experience in protocol writing/review, and who want to gain a better insight into the key information required in the writing of a trial protocol.

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For other learning and development opportunities go to the Learning and Development page on this website by clicking the link below.

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